Ok! this is me in the past.
Nah. laugh all you want.
laugh now! :/
decided to drop this pic here cos i damn bo liao now.
Blogging nowadays seems like talking to myself because ppl view and no tag. for bloggers, its a joy that if you blog, ppl tag.
so so so.
was thinking of not blogging until certain eventful stuffs happened.
but being a very very passionate blogger who blogged shits, i NEED to blog like everytime.
and also. ya. starting to blog in proper english.
not going to minus the 'la' 'lor' 'huh' and all those.
i meant.
proper ang mor spelling geddit geddit!!
actually wanna quite budden go into nuffnang.
din noe i am still kinda active.
thanks to this quite alive blog around 200 plus viewers each week.
and nuffnang earned me around
$23.64 and and and $26.36 to $50 before i get paid!
so shiok lor nuffnang.
so pls pls pls.
next tym u see an advert on the top left hand corner,
do me a favour click and see.
see nia no harm.
and also.
i love my baby lots.
wanna see you soon dear! :D