Today, Friday, 9 october 2009, my last paper!!!
super high.! hahah
ok la.... just get to the main point.
actualy there's nth much to be happy about.
becos i dun have much confidence in some of the papers.
but at least i did try my best...
and i believe everyone did too! (:
throughout this one week,
i did study.
i did slack.
so.... wadevr it is....
no point to continue brooding or talking over it lahh...
my papers are all taking aeroplane over to cambridge already.
just hope for all de best for the results.
*cross finger*
ok as for now,
just a slight update bout wad i have been doin.
cant rmb when and where i went.
cant rmb a lot of things.
but that day when i went mac with stanley ong,
i realised clowns are very irritating.
RONALD MACDONALD that clown...
ya! he's very irritating when he sits dwn.
and CLOWNS are my new FEAR.
red hair emo man..
See wad i mean:

i dun understand why must they have that black thing under their eyes!
so creepy...
thought thet are suppose to bring laughters'around.
but that made them look so EMO! =(
alrights, shall stop b4 anymore sue me!!! XD
pics pics pics! ((:
i love you sylvia,
i super love you!
sylvia do you love me?
yes i do!

ending this post with a wide wide smile! :D