Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sian Sian Sian !


today is the 2nd day of 2010.
and i'm happy.

One year passed just like that..
Did it passed this fast or was it just me?
well... doesn't matter.

2009 was quite disasterous (or disastrous) until the year end holiday season.
Still, it has already passed.
so now, we should just LOOK FORWARD! :D

Me, in the past, never get to pass my maths...
Me, in the future, will TRY TO pass my maths.
keyword is try to...
cos i noe its hard to do it. :/

and Me, had just finish running around.
I feel so happy.
and i'm gonna sleep early tonight.

ARE YOU!?!?!

pig pig pig pig another 9 days(:
