Hello i'm here to blog a lot of pictures.
Thanks Ngyuting for sending me.
Thanks Jesper for taking.
so several pictures to share!
LO-VE! love this!
beebee! where you looking! hehe!
still handsome!!
me and pig like this!
i'm not heavy hor bee!!!
this is the 7th month card i made for him.
gave him on that day!!
faster say i so sweet!!!
i'm telling him!
"better keep properly okay! "
nah, i dunno wad we're saying! hahah!
i invented new way of tying hair.
let your boyfriend check if there are any loose hair at the back.
Then TADA, our couple ring.
Their name,
Ring and Ring.
we got them today.
thanks beebee san jie! .

Pig is quite talented!
take very nice!

i just love the rings! :D

well, while pig was sleeping just now,
I did a very funny thing.
He's mine now!
alrights, happy day..
Miss you baby!
see you tmr! :D