but this was taken when I had a very neat table and i will study there everyday!
really miss my study table cos i hasn't used it for half a year!
its mountain high now cos the cupboard dropped and many things on it!
waiting for o levels to faster end!
this way, i can throw those books just easily!
except some note books i bought~!
its 10am and i'm at home cos i'm down with flu!
really bad cos i want PE today! ):
baby is sitting in the hall for his art now!
he has been in there for about 2 hours and still left with an hour!
he chionged art till 3am plus plus!
and i woke up to sms and was surprised by his reply!
sucha hardworking pig!
too bad i can't help him much in art cos i can't draw well/at all!
wish him all the best!
he still has maths paper in the afternoon later on!
hope he can go sec 5!
have many faiths in him (:
well, waiting for the doctor now!
then dentist later on!
but right now, i'm gonna study first!
i want to prove others wrong by passing my maths!
and doing better than them in terms of my 5subs!
class position doesn't matter at all!!!
oh ya, i hate shinee!
but 'hello'by them is nice! (:
by someone who loves stanley lots!